Pay-it-Forward Initiative

Our Pay-it-Forward Initiative takes inspiration from a local Edinburgh bookshop’s approach to radical inclusivity and accessibility. It’s my belief that a direct response to the growing socio-economic inequality we see in Scotland, and beyond, is much needed in the therapy profession. To this end, our initiative aims to be a contributor towards community-based collective action for social good.

The Pay-it-Forward Initiative runs along-side our typical price-per-session services and provides a full course of counselling to anyone who needs help but can’t meet the associated expense.

The initiative is primarily funded by the generous donations of individuals who are willing and able to contribute towards aiding someone’s journey into receiving counselling support. In addition, 5% of the cost of ALL full-price sessions are automatically added into the fund; meaning you can contribute to helping others while helping yourself.

The fund can offer one person 12 sessions for £600

Currently, the initiative is funded for 12 sessions of free counselling

  • NOTE: The fund is currently paused until funded sessions are claimed and used - please enquire for availability information.

Using the

All sessions are funded in advance and the number of sessions per person is limited to 12.

Whenever the fund reaches the full amount, a slot will open for anyone looking to use the service. Slots are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Please contact me to register your interest in using the Pay-it-Forward Initiative and you will be contacted with details of availability.

Make a donation.

To make a donation to the fund, please follow the link below.
If you’re donating on behalf of someone else and would like a personalised gift card sent out to you, please request one using the check-box when prompted during check-out, and we’ll get in touch.

Thank you for making a difference.
